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Drupal Calendar View 的显示设置画面无法打开

🏷️ Drupal

装了 Calendar 模块之后创建了日历的 View. 发现 View 的显示设置画面无法打开.

Console 里提示:

.live() is not a function

之前换主题主要 jQuery1.9 以上的版本,所以装了 jQuery Update 模块,把 jQuery 的版本升到了 1.10,导致了该问题.

把 calendar\js\calendar_colorpicker.js 的内容修改为如下内容,就可以代开显示设置画面了.

 * Implementation of hook_elements.
 * Much of the colorpicker code was adapted from the Colorpicker module.
 * That module has no stable release yet nor any D6 branch.
 *  Bind the colorpicker event to the form element
(function ($) {
  Drupal.behaviors.field_example_colorpicker = {
    attach: function(context) {
      // $(".edit-calendar-colorpicker").live("focus", function(event) {
      $("body").on("focus", ".edit-calendar-colorpicker", function(event) {
        var edit_field = this;
        var picker = $(this).closest('div').parent().find(".calendar-colorpicker");

        // Hide all color pickers except this one.
        $.farbtastic(picker, function(color) {
          edit_field.value = color;